Wednesday, March 4, 2020

My Career is NOT a Side Hustle!

Becoming a Professional Makeup Artist is not something that many of us take lightly. Many of us in the industry have invested thousands of dollars in products, tools and training to better ourselves as artists. So excuse us if we take offense to our career choice being referred to as a "side hustle" option for people. This is actually becoming the norm for a lot of entrepreneurial trades. People see many of us after the years of struggles and only see our success. They then say "I can do that too". I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it really doesn't truly work that way. Far too often we have people that are operating completely outside of their gifts and their purpose. Understand that we ALL have a gift and a purpose that God has placed within us. Just because you do makeup good on yourself or you might love playing in makeup does NOT mean you should be a makeup artist. I absolutely love to dance, but you don't see me out here auditioning to be someone's backup dancer either. We need to stop telling our friends to quit their jobs to pursue something that they're not even meant to do. We also need to stop encouraging them to jump into an industry as a side hustle when you know they aren't serious about it. If it's that they just want to make a few extra dollars then tell them to go drive for Uber or go be a waitress or something else.

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