Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Amazing Benefits of Water for Your Skin

There are many people that do not drink the recommended amount of water daily. Some don't drink any water at all. This is probably the worst thing that you could do to your skin. Your skin is filled with cells that need water to function. When you do not properly hydrate these cells it can cause you to appear older than what you are.

Increased natural mineral water intake has been proven to benefit people with dry skin. It helps to improve the overall moisture of the skin. It also helps with the increase of softness and smoothness as well. There have been no studies to prove that water intake reduces wrinkles. It can be said that an adequate amount of water can help make the skin more elastic, resilient and plump. This may help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and make pores look smaller.

There are several reasons why having an adequate daily intake of water helps prevent blemishes. Well hydrated skin may decrease concentrated amounts of oil on the skin, keeping a balance of oil and water, which can reduce breakouts and blemishes.

Celebrities would suggest drinking some water—they seem to all claim it’s the secret behind their supple, glowing, always camera-ready skin. Ellen Pompeo drinks water for her skin’s sake. Jennifer Aniston says drinking “lots of water” keeps her looking ageless. And Gabrielle Union has been putting away a gallon a day of H2O since her mid-30s. You have to admit that they all look pretty amazing.

Most people that usually complain about acne do not drink enough water. It is critical to have a stable balance of water to oil on the surface of skin. If the skin is too heavily covered in oil relative to water, this can lead to clogged pores with acne breakouts and blemishes.

I know that from personal experience, I have only ever experienced issues with my skin when I was dehydrated. Majority of the time my skin looks great. I have always been told that there is no way that I eat junk food or drink soda because my skin has always been so clear. I quickly let people know that I do partake in those items. However, I drink at least a gallon of water daily so that is what helps me to maintain that glow that I have. That along with a regular skin care regime are key to keeping your skin looking youthful.

Do not think that because you are drinking more water that you can skip out on moisturizing your skin. You should make sure that your skin is being is well taken care of. The water that you drink may not have any effect on your most outer layer of skin that may be dried out from cleansers and exfoliates. Moisturizing your skin both inside and out is a critical combination for healthy, beautiful skin.

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